CV hints and tips

A CV should be well written and presented professionally in order to catch our eye. Here are a few simple rules which you should always follow – and could dramatically increase your chances of success.

Here’s our list of CV layout dos and dont's;

  • CV do's

    • Keep it short and sweet
    • Keep it up to date
    • Tailor your CV to the role
    • Choose your font wisely - keep it professional
    • Have work experience in a logical order. Use clear section headings (e.g. work experience, education) and a reverse chronological order to keep things clear and easily legible
    • Play to your strengths. Format your CV to maximise the impact of your application
    • Use bullet points
    • Include contact details, keep email address professional ([email protected] won’t do)
    • Keep formatting consistent
    • Ask someone to check for typos - we’re all human, it happens. But try to avoid it if possible
    • Explain gaps in your CV

  • CV dont's

    • Be afraid of white space. Remember: Sometimes less is more
    • Try to include too much. The ideal CV should be a checklist of all of your accomplishments and should be no more than 2-3 pages long
    • Include irrelevant information. Before including any points in your application, ask the same question: will it help you get the role
    • Experiment with size i.e. Arial 11 or Calibri 12 will do. Steer clear of Comic Sans. Making your font larger or smaller to fit onto a page is never a good idea
    • Use crazy colours or fonts
    • Include unnecessary references
    • Include a selfie